Saturday, March 3, 2012

Rock Springs Adventure!

It was 7:00am when the whole apartment shuffled out the door this morning. We decided the day before that today we were all going to drive to Rock Springs at Kelly Park. We just knew the park would be packed with people, so we left as early as possible. We stopped to get some coffee on the way, along with ice and water since we planned on staying the entire day. The vision of grilling hotdogs, tubing down the spring, and soaking up the sun was vivid in our minds as we eagerly made the hour drive.

Upon arrival, we discovered the the spring was off limits for swimming! "But we just drove an hour to get here!" Turns out there was an alligator lurking around in the water somewhere and, even though I'm a firm believer in the buddy system, this was one thing I was not willing to meet face-to-face. Oh, not to mention we were literally the only people there... I guess we were the only ones who didn't get the memo. Even though we were all pretty bummed about the news, we went for a fun little hike through the trails. 

We walked down the trail for a while when, all of a sudden, we saw a turkey running towards us! As soon as my roommate, Sarah, screamed, it immediately turned around and ran the other direction. How funny/random is that? Even though the trip wasn't what we had planned it to be, it was nice to be out in nature during the morning hours. Who knows, maybe I'll starting going for morning trail hikes more often!

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