Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Up in the gym just workin' on my fitness

Summer is just around the corner, so I'm determined to get my bikini body back! I've cut my calories and am working out every day. I forgot how good it feels after hitting the gym! I've stopped taking Hydroxycut - it made me really sick and it was nearly impossible to focus on school work. I started with some cardio and toning exercises. I found this routine on Pinterest, but I tweaked the cardio a tad. I found that keeping a journal of what I eat everyday and what exercises I do has been working out so well... I definitely recommend it!

Also, my boyfriend and I were talking about getting the Insanity dvds. Has anyone tried this yet? I heard it's way more intense than P90X....I'll probably die. Another set of workout dvds that should be arriving in the mail any day now is the Brazil Butt Lift workout! Leandro Carvalho, who trains supermodels, created the Brazil Butt Lift workout program and I've heard some great things about it. Can't wait to get started!

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