Wednesday, June 20, 2012

DIY: Framed Chalkboard

If you're like me, you've probably seen these chalkboards all over Pinterest boards. If you've been wanting to make one, here's a short little tutorial on how to make your very own.

What You'll Need:
 - Frame (old or new)
- Chalkboard Paint (I found Martha Stewart's at Michael's for about $5)
- Paintbrush or sponge (99 cents at Michael's)

You can either choose the glass or the backing of the frame as your chalkboard. I chose the glass since the backing of the frame I picked up had an uneven surface. I used two coats of the paint, waiting at least an hour between coats. I'm a pretty impatient person, but trust me when I say wait the hour - if you don't, the paint will start to peel and get really gross. After you've finished painting, wait at least 24 hours to give the paint some time to cure before you start doodling on your new board.

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