Friday, March 23, 2012

LUSH: Rock Star Soap

I'm absolutely obsessed with Lush. For those of you who've never been to a Lush store or heard of it, it's an ah-mazing place that sells bath and spa type products. They're all handmade and you definitely can't find anything like the items they sell anywhere else. I can always tell when I'm near Lush at the mall - I can smell it 6 stores away!

My boyfriend came home with one of my favorite Lush products - Rock Star bar soap. I can't really describe the smell, but I promise you it's to die for.

From bar soaps to bath bombs to message bars, Lush has it all. You can usually purchase bar soaps in pre-cut pieces, or you can have the sales associate cut a piece for you depending on the size you want. When I bring my soap home, I cut it into thinner slices and use only one piece at a time. I wrap up the other pieces and store them in a jar or container - something that keeps moisture out. 
That way the smell lasts until the last tiny sliver is used :-)

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