Thursday, February 16, 2012

Tea Time!

    "Hi, my name is Monica and I'm addicted to coffee."
    -" Hi, Monica"

     Haha, but in all seriousness, the start of 2012 has led me to start living a healthier lifestyle. One of my biggest vices is coffee {Starbucks to be exact}. Along with eating healthier and working out {hint, hint - future post}, I've decided to disconnect myself from my coffee IV and start drinking tea! I've never really been a tea-drinker, but now is as good of a time as ever to start! I went to the grocery today and picked up some Yogi tea and Thrifty Bee honey to begin my tea drinking journey...

I just added a spoonful of honey and it actually was super yummy! There's also a saying at the tag of the tea bag that says "The art of longing and the art of belonging must be experienced in life"... how cute is that?
 Tea and philosophy all in one little package :-)

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